Guidelines for Poster Presentations
Poster Size
All posters must fit in an area of 91 cm (wide) x 122 cm (height) or 36 in (wide) X 48 in (height). Velcro and push pins will be provided to hang posters.
Preparing your Poster
Please consider the following information:
- The most effective posters use attractive graphics to highlight important points. Plain text is kept to a minimum.
- The poster layout must be readable from at least 6 feet away. Recommended minimum font sizes are: 36 point type for title and 15 point type for poster contents.
- Consult webpages of professional societies for more suggestions on how to prepare effective posters.
Poster Session
- Presenters must set up their posters between 16:00 and 16:30 on Thursday October 18th, 2012.
- Each poster will have a designated area identified with a number.
- Presenters must stand with their posters during the session to answer questions from attendants.
- Presenters must remove their posters after the session ends or they will be considered unwanted.