The Symposium ...

The Symposium will be held on Friday May 10th, 2024 from 9:45 am until 5:00 pm at Palmas del Mar, Humacao, Puerto Rico. The program will include lectures by distinguished invited speakers followed by a research poster session.

This event has been hosted by the University of Pennsylvania Materials Research and Engineering Center and the PENN-UPR Partnership for Research and Education in Materials (PENN-UPR PREM) since 2007. The 2024 PREM Symposium is organized in collaboration with the Interdisciplinary Training in Data Driven Soft Materials Research and Science Policy (PENN-NRT).

Poster Preparation. Standard poster sizes used in materials-related conferences, i.e. MRS, APS, ACS, etc., will be accepted, although vertical posters of approximatelly 36 in (width) by 48 in (length) are preferred.


9:00 AM Registration and Breakfast
9:45 AM Welcome Messages
10:00 AM "Introduction to Autonomous Experimentation", Prof. Eric Stach
Robert D. Bent Professor of Engineering, Materials Science and Engineering
Director of the Laboratory for Research on the Structure of Matter
Scientific Director of the Singh Center for Nanotechnology
Co-Principal Investigator PENN-UPR PREM
University of Pennsylvania
10:15 AM "Autonomous Soft Matter Discovery using X-ray Scattering", Dr. Kevin Yager
Group Leader, Electronic Nanomaterials
Center for Functional Nanomaterials
Brookhaven National Laboratory
11:00 AMCoffee Break
11:15 AM "Accelerated science via autonomous experimentation", Dr. Benji Maruyama
Autonomous Materials Lead
Materials & Manufacturing Directorate
Wright Patterson Air Force Research Laboratory
12:00 PMWorking Lunch
1:15 PMGroup Photo
1:30 PM "Towards Autonomous Microfluidic Discovery and Manufacturing", Prof. Daeyeon Lee
Russell Pearce and Elizabeth Crimian Heuer Professor
Chemical and Biomolecular Engineering
University of Pennsylvania
2:15 PM"Imaging “physiology” deep inside the body with diffusing light", Prof. Arjun Yodh
James M. Skinner Professor of Science
Chair Department of Physics and Astronomy
University of Pennsylvania
3:00 PM "Understanding the structure and composition of organic/inorganic interfaces: the example of lithium ion batteries", Prof. Eric Stach
Robert D. Bent Professor of Engineering, Materials Science and Engineering
Director of the Laboratory for Research on the Structure of Matter
Scientific Director of the Singh Center for Nanotechnology
Co-Principal Investigator PENN-UPR PREM
University of Pennsylvania
3:45 PMBreak
4:00 PMPoster Session and Reception
5:30 PMClosing